This online enrollment form is for students new to the Windsor Unified School District. Please use this enrollment form to enroll your new student to any of the schools listed below. Please note: If you have a student currently enrolled in a Windsor Unified School District school, including a child in Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten, please exit this form. You will instead complete the summer re-enrollment process for continuing students when prompted to do so before the start of the new school year.
Brooks Elementary (Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th)
Windsor Middle School (Grades 6th, 7th and 8th)
Cali Calmécac Language Academy (Grades PS, TK, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th)
Windsor High School (Grades 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th)
Big Picture Learning (Grades 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th)
Sonoma County Virtual Academy -SOCOVA (Grades 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th)
Aeries Online Enrollment allows you to quickly begin the process of registering a new student for school. Student data is entered such as emergency contacts, previous school information and home language. Upon completion, this data is sent electronically to the school.
To start registering a new student, click the "Enroll a New Student" button below. If you wish to reprint or review student information for a previously enrolled student, click the Login button. You will be prompted to upload a copy of your students Birth Certificate 2 types of Proof of Residency (ex. Water Bill, Utility Bill, Mortgage Statement) and most recent Immunization Record. If you are unable to upload these documents, you will be asked to provide them when you arrive at the school of enrollment. The online process generally takes 20-30 minutes. If you are unable to complete the process once you’ve begun, you can log out and resume the process later.
If you are applying at Cali Calmécac Language Academy, filling out this enrollment form does not guarantee admission. The school will contact the family of each accepted student separately.
If you have any issues registering your new student online, please check that your browser is up to date. We recommend Google Chrome. *Google Chrome Download
Can I enroll for next year?
Online pre-enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will open on February 24, 2025 for the Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs at Mattie Washburn Elementary School and Cali Calmécac Language Academy. Due to Cali Calmécac Language Academy enrollment limit, Cali Calmécac Language Academy will close online pre-enrollment on March 7, 2025. Mattie Washburn Elementary online pre-enrollment will remain open indefinitely.
To enroll in Kindergarten, a student must turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025.
To enroll in Transitional Kindergarten, a student must turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025.
When enrolling your student for Transitional Kindergarten or Pre-K after you enter your child's birthday, Pre-School will automatically populate. YOU MUST CHANGE THIS! To make the change from Preschool to Pre-K or TK click the dropdown and choose either Pre-K or TK. If you don't make this change you will not be able to select schools Mattie Washburn or Cali Calmécac Language Academy when you get to the Select School Tab.
What do I do after completing the online data entry process?
Cali Calmécac Language Academy:
Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year will open on Monday, February 24, 2025 and closes on Friday, March 7, 2025.
There are THREE steps to complete a registration:
STEP 1: Watch two videos and answer questions about what you saw.
STEP 2: Complete the Pre-Enrollment 2025-2026 PS/TK/K Online Enrollment
STEP 3: Upload documents
If you are unable to upload the required documents listed below you can drop off your paperwork at the school. You may bring it to our Attendance Window by buzzing into the front gate or by dropping it off in our secure drop box located at the front of the school. The address is 9491 Starr Road. If you need assistance with making copies of your paperwork, please reach out (707) 837-7747 between the hours of 8am -3:00pm, Monday – Friday.
Required paperwork:
Confirmation of pre-enrollment from step 2.
Proof of your child’s age and identity (birth certificate or other acceptable documentation).
Immunization Records - This is just to obtain an initial record of your child's immunizations. You do not need to be up-to-date on immunizations quite yet. A physical exam and a dental exam will also be required before the first day of school.
Health Examination For School Entry Oral Health Assessment Formulario de Evaluación de Salud Dental
Proof of Residency - Any TWO of the following documents showing the name and address of the parent/guardian within the district.
Property tax payment receipt
Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipt
Utility service contract, statement, or payment receipt (a cell phone receipt is not considered a utility)
Pay stub
Voter registration
Correspondence from a government agency
A notarized Declaration of Residency executed by the student's parent/guardian
A Declaration of Residency by the student if student is an unaccompanied youth as defined in 42 USC 11434a
If you have questions, please contact our office at (707) 837-7747 between the hours of
8am - 3:00pm, Monday - Friday. Check our website calendar for any closures.
Mattie Washburn Elementary School:
Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year will open on Wednesday, February 24, 2025.
To register for kindergarten, a child must turn 5 years old by September 1, 2025.
To register for Transitional Kindergarten, a child must turn 4 years old by September 1, 2025.
To complete enrollment you must submit the following documents:
Two proof of residency documents showing parent/guardian name and physical address. Acceptable documents include property tax payment receipt; rental/lease contract or payment receipt; utility service (PG&E, Town of Windsor water, garbage, etc.) contract; statement or bill; pay stub; voter registration or correspondence from a government agency.
You will have the option to upload these enrollment documents when you complete the online enrollment. If you do not upload documents during online enrollment, you may bring them to the school office between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm on regular school days. Please note that once you submit your child’s online enrollment you will not be able to access the document upload feature again.
Not required at time of PK/TK or Kindergarten enrollment but required before the first day of school:
If you are unable to provide the required enrollment documents, your student may qualify for immediate enrollment. Students who are unhoused, staying temporarily in someone else’s home, foster youth or migrant youth may enroll without providing the documents. You must confirm eligibility with school staff.
Please contact the school office at 707-837-7727 with any questions.
Big Picture Learning:
BPL Application and Enrollment Process
Selected students will be invited to interview and then are notified of admission decisions. Students either need proof of residency or an interdistrict transfer from their district of residence. Once accepted, students & families complete the enrollment process in Aeries.
Please contact the school office with any questions. 707-837-7771
Sonoma County Virtual Academy - SOCOVA:
SoCoVA offers rolling enrollment throughout the school year. Information on the requirements for this virtual school can be found here: SOCOVA
Please fill out your enrollment information for SoCoVA on Aeries. An interdistrict transfer will need to be obtained from your district of residence if you are outside of Windsor. A representative will be in touch regarding any additional information needed.
Please contact the school office with any questions. 707-837-7771